الأحد، 17 نوفمبر 2013

How to write a paragraph

A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develops one main idea , which is the topic of the paragraph.

Each paragraph is separate unit. It is marked by indenting the first word from the left-hand margin or by leaving extra space above and below the paragraph.
A paragraph is made up of three kind of sentences that develop the writer's main idea , Opinion, or feeling about a subject . this sentences are (1) the topic sentence, (2) supporting sentences , and (3) the concluding sentences. The writer may add a final comment after the conclusion.
In the topic sentences: it must be the first sentences it could be one ,or more ,it is the key of sentence because it names the subject and the controlling idea, in the topic sentences , you are going to tell the reader what are the paragraph is about it must include the main idea of the paragraph .
In the supporting sentences , it must be the next thing after the topic sentences, it use to support the main idea by supply the details about the topic sentences this sentence we called as the body of the paragraph it has so many sentences it must have the details for the paragraph.
The last sentences the writer will write in his paragraph is the concluding , in this sentences the writer tells that the paragraph is finished and the writer must write some small sentences as a review of what the paragraph was about. In the concluding sentences you can use one of the following methods :
- state the topic sentence in different words . don’t just copy the topic sentences .
- summarize some ore all of the point in the paragraph .
You may begin the concluding sentences with a phrase that tells the reader paragraph is completed :
Examples :
All in all, .....(or) In any event,................ (or) In brief,.........................
Indeed,......................(or) In other words,................................ (or) In short,...................

That was some ideas to help you how to write a paragraph I hop it was useful for you

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